Thursday, April 28, 2016


YES I'm Single ..& u have to be incredibly amazing to change that !

                                     Image result for YES I'm Single

Almost every other friend of mine will be committed thats why i have also been used to getting on with couples.I really respect people who are committed to each other.It really needs a lot of understanding to be in a relation.
                  Its difficult for people who  have been single for a long time to get into a relation.they dont fall for someone with flirty talks and sweet moves.When single its really a different feeling especially for girls i dont have to report to anyone,u dont feel guilty of disobeying,u dont have the feel yes i m safe coz i always have someone to protect me,enquire abt you etc.You feel completely independent,do things on your own and above all love yourself more and more.The onlookers may feel oh poor she dont have a bf how lonely and desperate she might be.But trust me its the best to be single. stay single as long as you can coz at some point of time you have to get married and after that it will no more be just you.So as long as you can live your life for just you.

    Dont misunderstand me for a person whose against love.I am Not! i believe love is the most beautiful feeling and everyone  have to experience it at least once in life.But i support being single.i am not against marriage too.we have to experience  everything in life.

Overcoming the cons there are hell number of pros being single.You can do whatever the hell you want to,you can flirt with anyone,you can hang out with anyone anywhwere,you can put yourself out of compromise,scarfice...bla..blah.and hell yeah!you can be yourself with hell number of flaws.

 hold on there are mental and physical perks too..

You're totally in charge of your happiness.

You have a strong sense of self.

 You're more likely to be in shape.

You’re able to avoid feeling lonely.

You have richer friendships.

You get more alone time

Time to build a better you.
Like everything in life, there are pros and cons to our experiences, and being single is no exception.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Love is not about the gifts
Or the melodramatic public show
Or the big huge surprises
Love is about the care
Its about the small things
The "only for the smile in your face" acts
Its in finding time in the busiest schedule
Its in making each day special
Its in reading the unspoken words
Its in the trust
Its in doing crazy things for the other
Its in the complaints
The small silly fights
In enjoying all the bullshit when you are together
Being for each other whatever and however be the situation
To show your love,you need not overpour with sweet
romantic words.
You just need to say those 3 special words
from your heart.
For some valentines day is the most special day to make the
other feel special but others believe that when love is special
everyday day is valentines day.

Say those 3 words only if you mean it.It may be the just another one
you are saying it to,but it may not  be the same for everyone.
Dont let the purity
and meaning of those words fade.


Monday, February 8, 2016


I m deeply madly n truly in luv wit u Its not the kind of luv which quenchs by the pleasure of touch Its not the the lust which attracts people by the beauty of outer body Its not the luv which turns into boredom with passage of time You have swept me off my feet Made me adore you Pulled me more nd more towards u each time Taken my breath away just by ur presence Its not any of ur features which made me fall for u Its your love and care for me Which made me your fan and made me love u more and more

i would stare at you for hours long
as so much is your divinity
the lure of others will be there for that point of time
but your impact on me last forever

every time i see u
u leave me awestruck
as if i am seeing you for the first
and fell for u then and there Sometimes you let me down But i know there will be some good in it for me No one can ever love me so selflessly Like you do..


Saturday, February 6, 2016


I luv people who luv themseleves
people who dnt pretend as of for their ego
people who speak their mind out
people who actually listen
people who dont let others know their priority levels
People who understand the private space
People who take a intiative
People who find time
People who observe

It maybe too much even to expect this much from some one
Just be the way yo want others to be with you..maybe not all
But some genuine people will actually happy keep smiling:)

Friday, February 5, 2016